Fairlight/Manly scout troop has a long history going back over 100 years to the early days of scouting.
We currently have a Cub Pack, a Scout Troop and a new Venturer Unit.
Cubs are for boys and girls aged 8 to 11 and meet Tuesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
Scouts are for 11-15 year olds and meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Venturers are 15-18 year olds, that meet 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Wednesdays.
All activities take place throughout the NSW School Terms.
Our activities take us across the Northern Beaches, and we try to keep our time in the Scout Hall to a minimum! You are more likely to see us out and about in the Manly area than in the Hall.
Each week you’ll get together with other boys and girls your age and be led into adventure! You’ll wear your own Scout uniform to show you’re one of us. And you’ll be able to collect special badges to put on your uniform to show your achievements.
Located in Ivanhoe Park and we make the best use of the open space that we can. We have canoes suitable for all levels and we have easy access to Manly Dam and North Harbour to use them on. The Sea Scout Base is also close by and we are planning an ongoing sailing program, if we can get the leaders to do it!
Past events include:
Australian Jamboree and Cuboree
Q-Station Tour
Manly to Spit Night Hike
Billy Cart Building
First Aid Course
Manly History Tour
Day hike around North Head
Bike hike around Manly
Camping, canoeing and hiking at Manly Dam
Joint events with other Cub Packs and Scout Troops all over the Northern Beaches
Scouting is all about being out and about after all!
Membership details are here.
The Hall is located off Parkview Lane.
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About Us
The Scout Group would not be able to provide the wide variety of activities our Scouts enjoy without the support of the many Manly and Northern Beaches businesses that assist us each year.
This support comes in many forms:
- Grants
- Services
- Discounts
- Stuff we need
We thank our supporters for helping us deliver the Scout program the Scouts need. We could not do this without you!